The seven samurai was simply brilliant. But the Magnificent Seven is not an inferior Hollywood remake. The seven samurai is not so easy to understand for the western viewer and the magnificent seven makes it more relevant. I also first saw this film when I was young and I have seen it at least ten times since. It is brilliant. For two main reasons, the acting and the music. But let's not forget the dialogue which was also a real gem. Calvero's last words; ``you came back, to a place like this ... why? ... a man like you ... why? I can never forget them. Nor Calvero's observation, that, after 30 years of work, I now understand, ... , ``generosity, my first mistake .... 
Brilliant movie!
2012-12-30 20:58:50

The Magnificent Seven

I first saw this film when it first came out, in 1960, and I remember thinking how wonderful it was. For my birthday I got a whole lot of Westerns on dvd, including The Magnificent Seven, and I sat and watched it with Dylan. He loved it, although he got a bit tearful when half the seven (approximately) got killed off at the end.
   I enjoyed it too. It hadn't dated as much as I thought it would have, perhaps because of the amazing cast list. Of course, since those far off days in 1960 I've seen The Seven Samurai, and I realise now just how much of an inferior copy the Hollywood western remake is. But if you know any seven-year-old boys (approximately), I think you'll find that he'll enjoy The Magnificent Seven almost as much as I did when I was that age, even though they've been exposed to so much excitement and special effects on today's tv.
add comment | read comments (1) 2012-09-28