MAGIC by Tami Hoag

I had it in the back of my mind that this author wrote edgy crime novels, with good plots and characters. So I grabbed this from my shelf on the way out to somewhere, thinking that's what I would get. And I was wrong.
   Magic is readable enough but, frankly, it's a fluffy piece of nonsense. It's a stereotyped love affair, a rather stereotyped mystery, and a very stereotype portrayal of the characters involved, especially the older ones. It's quite funny in places, and you can see it playing out on a screen quite easily. But it's not exactly an enthralling read, and, unlike other books by this author, I don't recommend it - unless you are in the mood to read a fluffy piece of nonsense, of course.
   [The book seemed brand new, as if it had never been read, and I certainly don't remember it. Magic, eh?]
add comment | read comments (0) 2019-05-17