ACHING GOD by Mike Shel

This is apparently the first in a series called Iconoclasts, so the bootom line will be: will I buy the sequels? Let's see.
   Son no.1 bought me this book as a birthday present, saying that he had read a copy and enjoyed it. It's an above average swords and wizardry type of story, with good world building and good characters. The plot is fairly sound (bar a coincidental finding of a sword that turns out to be a major part of the hero's quest). There are a lot of swords and wizardry books out there just now, but this is better than most.
   So yes, I'll probably try to get hold of the sequels, however many  there are. If you like this genre, you could do worse than Aching God.
add comment | read comments (0) 2021-07-28