THE DARK CRUSADER by Alistair Maclean

OK, I admit it: I've always had a sot spot for Alistair Maclean's thrillers (his earlier ones, anyway - some of those at the end of his career weren't so hot). So I have read most of them many times over the years, and The Dark Crusader is no exception.
   And yet they still weave their magic. You have gritty heroes who admit to mistakes, evil baddies and grey in-between characters, all knitted into a plot that is both obvious and complicated, a la Bond.
   Needless to say, I enjoyed The Dark Crusader all over again. Quite a few typos, but who cares? I'm sure you can find a copy somewhere, and I recommend you do so.
add comment | read comments (0) 2023-10-05