On being proofread (2)

So Gerard returned the annotated, proofread version of Three Into One Does Go. It was impressive. he found things that I, Jim the editor, and a few early readers hadn't. In particular, he found a typo in a poem I wrote... oh... forty years ago, and which I have used in various places over the years. Ouch.
   Quite a few of the things he spotted were actually caused by Word and InDesign not talking to each other properly, so to be fair I could never have seen them. But even so...
   And editors watch out: InDesign doesn't pick up what it really should from a Word import. Italics, for example. It seems just to ignore that.
   So that's the proofreading done. Cover next, and then an anxious wait until the book launch itself in April. Of which more anon.
add comment | read comments (0) 2024-03-27