We went to see TGM on an IMAX screen, because it seemed the sort of film that deserved it and we felt like a treat. I'm old enough to remember the first TG, which I thought was okay, although Tom Cruise wasn't then my favourite actor.
Perhaps I've mellowed. I can stand Tom Cruise a bit more now, having learned about his tremendous work ethic, and reading the story about when he landed a helicopter in someone's back yard. But did that make the film worth watching?
Well, yes and no. It's one of those films where you can stop watching after about five minutes and recite the entire subsequent plot without ever seeing it. The fighter jet sequences are really well done (especially in IMAX format), and the characters all seem well cast. I quite enjoyed it, certainly more than the original TG, but I don't think it's quite the classic that reviewers and critics are claiming. So by all means go and see it - on IMAX if you possibly can.