I was in a HMV shop for some reason and saw the dvd of Super 8 promoted in a sale so, remembering that the trailers in the cinema looked vaguely interesting, I bought it. And the other evening I sat down with my other half to vet the film for possible Dylan viewing.
Well, it has its good points. As a film produced by Spielberg I suppose you’d expect no less. The acting was passable, the special effects were very good, and to start off with the story was fairly gripping. But ultimately I think it lost its way. Some of the plot doesn’t make sense, I spotted one big continuity error, and the ending is just silly. I think it’s a pity, because the groundwork was all there, but there wasn’t enough attention to detail and not enough thought had gone into the film’s resolution.
Oh, and no, it wasn’t suitable for Dylan. Some bad language, some horrific crash scenes, and a scary monster all make this somewhat more than the 12 it actually is. Some parts are positively PG, other parts are more like 15. Go figure. But, frankly, I wouldn’t go see it.