I have embarked on a survey of older firlms which still get reasonable write-ups (and which I haven't seen before). Naturally I have seen the somewhat camp Judge Dredd, but I hadn't seen the 2012 Dredd.
Needless to say, it has very little plot. Dredd and his rookie companion (who is psychic) get trapped in an enormous building ruled over by a drug cartel, and the only way out, it seems, is to kill everybody. This they proceed to do, from set piece to set piece. The body count is in the stratosphere by the time the film finishes.
Despite this simple menu, I quite enjoyed the film. I'm thinking of using, 'You have twenty seconds to comply@ on my son sometime, except I don't suppose it'll work. If you haven't seen this and you fancy an old-fashioned, violent popcorn film, Dredd might just fit your bill.