Let me say at the outset tat I enjoyed this book, with its believable world-building and magic oozing from every pore. Most of the characters jump nicely off the page and the plot is sufficiently twisted to keep the reader on their toes. But...
You knew a 'but' was coming, didn't you?
I think there are two ways in which I felt slightly let down. First, Ninth House is touted as Leigh Bardugo's first adult novel (she's had major success with YA fantasy). And I guess this is more 'adult'... on average. It seems to me that a lot of the quips and one-liners, although amusing, belong in the YA world, and some of the sex and horror content are slightly over the top even for the 'adult' world, as if the author thought 'right, let's make sure these next bits are really grown-up. But... average all this out... I suppose the result is adult rather than YA.
Secondly, I think the plot got too twisted for its own good towards the end. And everything tied up just too neatly. I would have preferred a bit less author deceit and maybe a loose end or two at the denouement stage. But maybe that's just me.
I repeat that despite these grouches I enjoyed the book and would recommend anyone to read it. I note there's a sequel, which I shall be dding to my Christmas list.