FATHOMFOLK by Eliza Chan

I got this book partly because it looked interesting, and partly because Eliza Chan apparently is a member of the Glasgow SF Writing Circle, as I am. But I've never seen her so maybe she's moved on, either figuratively or literally.
   Fathomfolk is a good read overall, but with two provisos. First, I found it a bit hard to get into, mainly because of the large cast of characters, an at least two of them having similar names. Eventually I got over it, especially as the plot got into a higher gear.
   Secondly, I think there's a rather large plot hole in the story. I didn't really think of it until after I'd finished, so maybe it's not too important. Essentially the Drawbacks (a group of violent agitators) do two very bad things. But, given the nature of the second one, there didn't seem much point in doing the first one. That's enough of a spoiler.
   Even allowing for these two criticisms (which not everyone will agree with anyway), I wouldn't dissuade you from getting a copy of this book. 
add comment | read comments (0) 2024-05-27